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The following text contains information regarding the methods of preventing illness and selfcare while coping with it. It is to be used responsibly. The following procedures cannot supplement professional medical treatment and healing in case of health issues.

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With the beginning of the new millennium, mankind has entered a realm ruled by stress, anxiety and other similar issues yet unknown to the human mind. These issues, often tied to the overwhelming amount of information we tend to receive daily, leave consequences both on our nervous and immune systems. Despite the amazing medical breakthroughs of the past century, we simply cannot function without nature. Nature is the only constant presence in our lives and since we are born from it, it is only fair to at least try to acquire a certain amount of knowledge about its secrets.

Cannabis is perhaps the most perfect example of man’s dependence on nature; throughout history (leaving out the last two unfortunate centuries, when the prohibition of cannabis creates an ever-greater gap between man and nature), it has provided him with just about everything – it was the key ingredient of clothes, ropes, food, medicine, paper and other necessities of everyday life.

Due to the massive amount of unreliable information on cannabis circling the wide web, we wish to gather some key facts on its effect on human life, which can become more centered and relaxed with its prudent use.


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